
Hosted by: MIT Priscilla King Gray Public Service Center, Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management, MIT REAP & MIT D-Lab

All social innovation work takes place in the context of a particular culture, market, existing legal and policy framework, and intervention landscape where individuals, community groups, government, and NGOs are working to achieve change. These stakeholders will influence whether an innovation takes hold.

This session will explore questions such as: Who are the various stakeholders for our work, and how might they influence or be affected by our initiatives? Who might be willing and effective partners? What factors do we need to consider in project design and rollout strategy? We will use stakeholder mapping tools to analyze the work of several ongoing projects to suggest strategies for stakeholder engagement.


Thursday, November 30, 2017
5:00–7:00 pm

Vannevar Bush Room, 10-105

Dinner will be provided. Admission is free, but registration is required.

To learn and to register, visit the event page.