
Powered by: Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program

Leadership education develops skills applicable across career paths, from leading research groups to leadership roles in companies. Enroll in one or more of the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GEL)’s new graduate courses designed to help MIT graduate students learn and practice the skills needed to “make a positive difference” in their chosen careers. Grounded in research but experimental and engaging in delivery, these courses build and develop leadership skills for future engineers and technology professionals. (*PhD Candidates: Option to use leadership as your doctoral minor.)

GEL Grad Courses for Fall 2019

*Open to all grad students!

6.S976 Engineering Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Learn to lead, develop, and deploy AI systems in ways that deliver positive benefits to people and society.

6.S978 Negotiation & Influence Skills for Technical Leaders

Acquire the tools and knowledge to excel in future negotiations.

6.928J Leading Creative Teams

Learn to mobilize and launch “real teams”

  • Units: G3-0-6
  • Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:30–4 pm, 37-212
  • Instructor: David Nino (dnino@mit.edu)

For more information, visit the GEL website.