Inclusive Innovation Series

MIT community events at the intersections of belonging, achievement, composition, innovation and entrepreneurship.

What Does an Innovator Look Like?

The Inclusive Innovation Series pulls together events and initiatives organized by MIT’s innovation and entrepreneurship community around intersecting topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

By convening the community around these important topics inside MIT’s newest home for innovators, MIT Office of Innovation aims to increase the ecosystem’s accessibility to communities historically underrepresented in innovation, entrepreneurship & STEM: first generation, low-income, BIPOC, LGBTQA+, individuals with disabilities, women, and gender non-binary individuals.

We know the world’s most pressing issues require breakthrough innovations from diverse teams, and we believe these teams can meet and discover the rich resources of the I&E ecosystem through this series.

Have an idea for this series? Contact to learn more.

Explore the events listed below that are community-driven and uniquely MIT—and return here throughout the year for more!

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