Sponsored by: VR/AR@MIT
Each Thursday in April, VR/AR@MIT is hosting a new speaker, group, and/or theme. This week we are hosting Danny Bittman at Bartos Theater in the old Weisner Building on campus.
Danny Bittman is a spatial artist who makes art in VR, for VR. He has worked on numerous high-profile projects, from Google, Isobar, Hyundai, Marvel, NVIDIA, and others.
In his talk, he will discuss his VR workflows in detail, where he uses multiple creation tools to go as seamlessly as possible from conception to realization.
See Danny’s work at http://dannybittman.com/art.
4/12/18 7:30PM
Bartos Theater: E15-070
For more information, visit the VR/AR@MIT website.