
MEMSI: A Fully Immersive Program for Aspiring Hardware System Innovators
January 7–22, 2017 | Hong Kong | Shenzhen, China

MEMSI is a two-week long, fully immersive mini-accelerator for aspiring hardware system innovators from universities in Hong Kong and from MIT.

This program is designed for students who want to build up their skills in entrepreneurship, hardware making, and product development for connected devices with an Internet of Things (IoT) flavor. In two action-packed weeks, student teams will:

  • Work together to choose a customer problem to solve, understand the customer, come up with a solution, then build a prototype of this solution using advanced prototyping techniques.
  • Build skills that will help them build successful businesses later in life, including the Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework, Design Thinking, advanced maker skills, and more.
  • See how mass production happens in real life during factory tours in Shenzhen, China.
  • Present their business ideas and working prototypes to a panel of entrepreneurs, investors, industry thought leaders, alumni and friends on Demo Day, Saturday, January 21, 2017.

MEMSI is powered by the MIT Hong Kong Innovation NodeMartin Trust Center for MIT EntrepreneurshipProject Manus, and the MIT Innovation Initiative.


Date: January 7–22, 2017

Location: Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China

Info Sessions: September 19, 21 and 22 at MIT. To attend, sign up here.

Applications: Open on September 19, 2016 at 8 am (EDT).  Applications close on October 2, 2016 at 8 pm (EDT. To apply, click here.

Contact: memsi@mit.edu

To learn more about the program, visit the MEMSI website.