
START.nano supports hard-tech startups by providing discounted access to MIT.nano’s toolsets.

We welcome interested ventures to apply for the 2022 cohort. You do not need to be an MIT alum or have an MIT affiliation to apply.

Apply now. | Meet the 2021 START.nano companies.

NOTE: You must attach a one-page document briefly describing:

  • Your company’s technology and why it is innovative;
  • Your innovation’s potential for impact if you are able to bring it successfully to market;
  • Where you are in the development of your technology and company;
  • How access to MIT.nano could advance your progress in the next 12 months.

Submit your application by 11:59 PM on Friday, January 14, 2022. We expect to select participants by early February 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact mitnano@mit.edu.