WISDM Speaker

Chia-Wei Cheng, PhD

School of Science>Biology |
she, her, hers

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Speaking (Panel), Mentoring, Press Commentary, Board Seat/Advising, Academic Collaborations

About Chia-Wei

My research vision is to understand how adult stem cells perceive the nutritional states and adjust their fate decisions. I am particularly interested in a previously undefined regenerative program mediated by the fasting and refeeding: a phenomenon referred to as “adaptive multi-organ regeneration”. This phenomenon was first described in the context of a nutrient-sensing insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway, in hematopoietic system and pancreatic islet. My recent work in intestinal stem cells has revealed a new possibility that endogenous metabolites can instructively regulate adult stem-cell fate. Currently, I am exploring the signaling role of circulating metabolites in the process of adaptive multi-organ regeneration.

STEM Keywords

aging, cancer biology, dietary research, metabolism, stem cells

Venture Keywords

oral drug delivery

Country of Origin


Chia-Wei In the News

Study links certain metabolites to stem cell function in the intestine

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Fasting boosts stem cells’ regenerative capacity

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Chia-Wei Awards

K99/R00: Pathway to Independence Award

Irene Diamond Fund/AFAR Postdoctoral Transition Award

Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship